Serving Greater Omaha, Gretna, Bellevue, Omaha
Customer called us said they experienced hail from a recent storm. The customer met with the insurance adjuster to find out they were only going to cover a broken skylight. After our initial inspection we found a lot more damage and had to contact insurance to get another inspection. After this inspection we walked with the adjuster and pointed out the additional damage and ended up replacing the full roof, gutters, fascia, and all the metal window wraps. This example is what we take great pride in helping our customers every step of the way through any claim. We know these storms have created a large amount of work not only for us contractors but for many insurance adjusters. They too have had their workload doubled and sometimes mistakes can happen on an inspection. We always recommend having us inspect your roof before the adjuster so we are familiar and have records of the damage found that way we can help with the whole process.